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I want to thank you personally for your interest in my book.  As a special offer to my listeners, you can purchase a signed copy of my book for $10.00 and shipping is only $5.00 (for up to two books).  This special offer also includes a 20-page report on the petrodollar exchange system and collapse of US dollar imperialism, along with a dynamic two-hour live power-point presentation, and company literature while supply lasts.

You can order below through PayPal, credit card or send a check at the address below.  For bulk orders up to a case (20), please call our special toll-free number at 1-855-860-6800, Extension #2.  You can also order my book or Kindle version through Amazon, by clicking my book below. Normal retail is $19.99 for the book and $9.99 for the Kindle version.  As noted below, Patrick M. Wood has written the Foreward for my book.  Pat is a recognized authority on the arcane subject of technocracy.  He is the author of Technocracy Rising: The Trojan Horse of Global Transformation, and I would also encourage you to purchase this book to better understand our times.  His book is available at Amazon that provides this description:  "The dark horse of the New World Order is not Communism, Socialism or Fascism. It is Technocracy. With meticulous detail and an abundance of original research, Patrick M. Wood uses Technocracy Rising to connect the dots of modern globalization in a way that has never been seen before so that the reader can clearly understand the globalization plan, its perpetrators and its intended endgame."  This insidious "endgame" is now becoming a globalist reality with global "plandemic" fears and increasing government control, the Great Reset, UN Agenda 2030, Sustainable Development, Smart Grids, Green Economy and a cashless society that will require a scientific dictatorship.  I would encourage you to visit Pat's website at


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IDP Special Book Offer!

$10.00 each and shipping is only $5.00 (for up to two books)

For bulk orders please contact us and allow two weeks for delivery.

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IDP Consulting Group, LLC

217 Cedar Street, Suite 132

Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1410

An Independent Consultancy for a Discriminating Clientele

Precious Metals Brokerage, IRA & Depository Accounts

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IDP Consulting Group, LLC

Investors Diversified Portfolio

217 Cedar Street, Suite 132

Sandpoint, Idaho 83864-1410

Toll Free: 1-855-860-6800

IDP Office: 1-208-265-8080

IDP, LLC has a strategic alliance with MIM for client services and financial diversification with managed accounts to protect principal in uncertain times.

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